Archive | December 2013

Velvet Red vs. Angora Super Sweet: Same Tomato or Different?

“Is Velvet Red the same variety as Angora Super Sweet? I have seen/read some sources that suggest they are one and the same, developed by Joe Bratka.



Velvet_RedPhoto courtesy of Rutgers University

Hi Kenneth,

Thank you for the email in regards to Velvet Red and Angora Super Sweet Tomato varieties.  As you may have noticed while researching online, there are some issues with Joe Bratka and some of his ‘varieties’ that he brought out.  Angora Super Sweet is one of these.  Back in the day, Joe was doing plant grow outs for Seed Savers Exchange and some commercial heirloom companies.  Apparently, Joe was renaming items to make more sales.  Velvet Red/Angora Super Sweet is one of these renaming.  Velvet Red came out on the market two years prior to Angora Super Sweet, but they are the exact same tomato.  Velvet Red is the name that it is supposed to be legally sold by, although some still list it (illegally) as Angora Super Sweet as the variety in their catalogs.

I hope this information helps you out.  If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.


© Mertie Mae Botanics LLC and Horticulture Talk!, 2012. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mertie Mae Botanics LLC and Horticulture Talk! with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Figuring Out Tomato Wilt

“I have an especially bad problem with wilt affecting my tomatoes.
Do you have a strain that’s partic resistant?



Hi Walt,

Thank you for your email regarding your wilt problems with your tomato plants.  Depending on what type of wilt you have, there are different cultural practices and tomato cultivars you are going to want to be looking at.

Wilt diseases of tomatoes can be caused by fungal, bacterial, viral, and nematode pathogens, as well as by abiotic factors. Determining which agent is responsible can be vital for prescribing the proper management strategies. This information discusses the common wilt diseases afflicting tomatoes in most regions of the U.S. and the organisms and conditions that are responsible for their development. It describes the external and internal symptoms produced on the host by each pathogen; provides information on the disease life cycle and environmental conditions that favor disease development; and also provides diagnostic techniques that can be used to make in-the-field diagnosis of each disease described.

–Fusarium wilt, caused by the soil-borne fungus Fusarium oxysporum, initially causes a yellowing and wilting of lower leaves on infected plants. Symptoms can be seen on a single branch, or on several branches on one side of the plant, or on all the lower branches. The yellowing and wilting progress up the plant as the fungus spreads within its host. Yellowed, wilted leaves often dry up and drop prematurely. Eventually the entire plant wilts and dies early, producing few, if any, fruit.

Plants infected with Fusarium wilt will have a brown discoloration of the vascular system, which can be used as an aid in diagnosis. When the epidermis and cortical tissue (bark) on a section of the main stem, slightly above the soil line, is cut and pealed back, a distinct brown discoloration of the vascular tissue is evident. The discoloration can extend from the roots up the stem through the branches and into the petioles of the plant.

Fusarium usually enters its host through feeder roots and subsequently multiplies and colonizes the food and water conducting vessels of the plant. The disease is most severe when air and soil temperatures are between 78 degrees and 90 degrees F and is more likely to occur in poorly drained soil. Infection may occur at any time during the life of the plant. The fungus can persist in most soils indefinitely, because of its ability to colonize the roots of a number of weeds and its ability to produce resistant spore structures. At least three physiological races of the fungus have been reported.

Control of Fusarium wilt begins by planting only certified, disease-free seed and transplants in fertile, well-drained soil. In infested soil, grow only tomato varieties that are highly resistant to the fungus. Infested soil can be disinfected with a suitable soil fumigant or through soil solarization. Crop rotation (growing tomatoes in the same area no more than once every 4 years) will reduce the disease inoculum level in the soil.

–Verticillium Wilt.  Symptoms of Verticillium wilt, caused by the soilborne fungus Verticillium albo-atrum, may be confused with those of Fusarium wilt. The two fungal wilts cause similar field symptoms and cannot be distinguished except by growing the fungus in the laboratory. Verticillium, unlike Fusarium, also attacks brambles, eggplant, okra, pepper, potato, strawberries, and 300 or more other herbaceous and woody plants. The Verticillium fungus thrives best in cool, moist soil (60 degrees to 75 degrees F).  Control measures for Verticillium wilt are the same as those for Fusarium wilt.

–Southern blight, also known as white mold and stem rot, is caused by the soil-borne fungus Sclerotium rolfsii. The disease is a common problem on vegetables, especially tomatoes, as well as most other broadleaf crops such as peanut and soybean. Plants of any age can be attacked if environmental conditions are suitable. Development of southern blight is favored by moist conditions and high temperatures (more than 85 degrees F).

Generally, the first above-ground symptoms are leaf yellowing and wilting of infected plants. The stem at the soil line often appears soft and sunken (cankered) and develops a brown to black discoloration both internally and externally. Under moist conditions, a white fungal growth can be seen on the lower stem near the soil surface; on fruit in contact with the soil; and on crop debris on the soil around the base of the plant. Spherical, light brown, mustard-seed size ( 1 to 2 mm) sclerotia often form in the mycelium. Under dry conditions, fungal mycelium and sclerotia may not be visible. However, if southern blight is suspected, placing a section of the lower stem and a moistened paper towel in an enclosed plastic bag for 24 hours will stimulate formation of a white mat of fungal growth. This would be diagnostic for southern blight.

The fungus is spread as mycelium in infested organic matter or as sclerotia in infested soil. Infection usually takes place at the soil surface but may also occur below the soil line. The fungus may spread more than 3 feet through the soil and from plant to plant within a row. It is common to see five or six infected plants within a row killed. Sclerotia, produced on crop debris and dying plants, serve as inoculum for the next crop.

Control of southern blight is difficult to achieve when inoculum levels are high and environmental conditions favor its development. Rotations with crops such as corn, grain sorghum, and cotton will reduce disease. Rotations are most effective when tomatoes or other susceptible crops are not planted in the same area more than once every 3 to 4 years.

Deep-plowing the soil to bury crop debris and the fungus will also help reduce inoculum. Wider plant spacing to improve air movement and roguing infected plants will aid in reducing disease development and spread within a field. Soil fumigation is effective in controlling southern blight but will not eradicate the pathogen from an infested field. The fungicide Terraclor can be used at transplanting, but its effectiveness is limited.

–Bacterial wilt is caused by the soil-borne bacterium Pseudomonas solanacearum. A characteristic of this disease, which sets it apart from other wilt diseases, is that plants wilt and die rapidly without the presence of yellowing or spotting of the foliage. The disease can occur in newly cleared land as well as in areas where susceptible crops have not been grown previously. The bacterium often enters a field on infested transplants, equipment, or through drainage water. The pathogen can overwinter in soil.

Bacteria infect plants through the roots or stem, most often where tissue has been injured by cultivating, or by some other physical means such as nematodes. Bacteria invade the vascular tissue, apparently causing wilt by a gradual blocking of the water conducting vessels. The disease is most commonly found in low, wet areas of fields and is most active at temperatures above 75 degrees F.

To identify bacterial wilt, cut and peal back a section of the epidermis and cortical tissue (bark) just above the soil line. The center of the stem (pith) will, in early stages, appear water soaked; later, the pith will turn brown and sometimes become hollow. The discoloration of the pith distinguishes this disease from Fusarium and Verticillium wilt. Another relatively easy diagnostic technique is to cut a portion of the affected stem and place in it a clear glass container filled with water. The appearance of a white, milky ooze streaming out of the cut end of the discolored vascular tissue is diagnostic for this disease.

Bacterial wilt attacks members of the Solanaceous plant family, which includes peppers, potatoes, and eggplant, making crop rotation an effective method of control. Growing susceptible crops in the same area no more than once every 4 years will reduce inoculum in the soil. Soil fumigation should be considered in heavily infested fields. Roguing of wilted plants and the soil surrounding their roots can reduce spread of the disease and may be a viable control alternative in home garden situations. Soil solarization is another alternative for control of bacterial wilt.

–Bacterial canker, caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subs. michiganensis, is a recurrent and serious problem on tomatoes. Bacteria survive from season to season in infested crop debris, on wooden stakes and other equipment, as well as in other Solanaceous hosts such as black and perennial nightshade and ground cherry. The fungus is commonly introduced into a field on infected transplants or seed. Its spread within the field occurs through wounds during irrigation or by splashing rain.
Weeks may pass between the time of infection and the development of symptoms. Vascular infections cause wilting, chlorosis, and eventual death of the plant. If the stem is cut open longitudinally, a yellow to reddish-brown discoloration may be observed in the vascular tissue. In later stages, canker lesions may develop on the stem, petioles, and underside of the foliage. Superficial foliar infections cause necrosis of the foliage, usually from the leaf margins inward, which can advance until the entire leaf and petiole dies. Early infection of the fruit can result in development of “bird’s-eye” spots, which are characteristically white, necrotic lesions about inch in diameter that soon develop dark centers surrounded by a white halo.

A control program for bacterial canker requires the planting of certified disease-free material in fields that have not grown tomatoes for at least 2 years, preferably longer, or that have been fumigated. Roguing infected plants immediately after detection will reduce the amount of disease inoculum in the field. Spraying a combination of copper and mancozeb at the first sign of disease and continuing at 7- to 10-day intervals can reduce disease spread.  Avoid field work when the plants are wet. Also, working areas that are known to be infested last will cut down on spread of the pathogen. Disinfecting equipment (stakes, posts, wire) in a 10 percent bleach solution prior to storage, especially if canker has been a problem, and burying plant debris and controlling Solanaceous weeds will reduce the overwintering potential of the disease.

–Tomato pith necrosis, caused by the soil-borne bacterium Pseudomonas corrugata, is a disease sometimes confused with bacterial canker. The bacterium is considered a weak pathogen on tomatoes growing too rapidly. Affected plants are randomly scattered in the field. Initial symptoms include yellowing of young leaves, which may progress into yellowing and wilting of the top part of the plant. Black streaking may be apparent on the main stem, which often splits. When the stem is cut open longitudinally the center of the stem (pith) will be hollow and often has a chambered (ladder-like) appearance. Profuse development of adventitious roots can be associated with the affected pith areas and the stem may appear swollen. Plants affected with pith necrosis do not exhibit the marginal necrosis of leaflets nor the bird’s-eye spotting of the fruit characteristic of bacterial canker. Plants may die if the lower stem is affected, however, the disease usually does not progress, and plants will outgrow the condition.  High nitrogen fertilization, cool night temperatures, high relative humidity, and plastic mulches all increase incidence and severity of pith necrosis. The disease frequently occurs when the first fruit set is close to mature green. Control requires avoiding excessive nitrogen rates.

–Tomato spotted wilt is caused by a virus that is usually spread by thrips. Tomato plants infected with spotted wilt become stunted and often die. Initially, leaves in the terminal part of the plant stop growing, become distorted, and turn pale green. In young leaves, veins thicken and turn purple, causing the leaves to appear bronze. Necrotic spots, or ring spots, are frequently present on infected leaves and stems often have purplish-brown streaks. Fruit, infected with the virus, may exhibit numerous ringspots and blotches and may become distorted if infected when immature.

Currently, there is no effective way to control tomato spotted wilt. Control of TSWV-infected weeds adjacent to the field, where the virus can overwinter, should reduce the source of infection. Applying systemic insecticides to the soil at planting can slow the initial spread of the virus into the field. Applying foliar insecticides later in the season will help reduce the build-up of thrips within the field. Spraying weeds bordering the field with insecticides along with the tomato field will also suppress the thrips population and the spread of the virus. Roguing out infected plants as soon as symptoms appear will also reduce spread of the disease.

–Root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne spp., can attack tomatoes as well as more than 2,000 other species of plants. Nearly forty species have been described and physiological races exist among many of them. When root-knot nematode populations are high, tomato plants often are stunted and yellowish (nitrogen deficiency symptoms) and may wilt during dry weather or during the hottest part of the day. Detecting root-knot nematodes in the field is easily done by examining the roots of symptomatic plants. The nematode causes knots or galls to develop on both large and small roots; knots range in size from the head of a pin to an inch in diameter.

Root-knot nematodes have a wide host range that includes many cultivated crops as well as many weed species. The nematodes survive in the soil from year to year and become active as soil temperatures increase in the spring. The most effective control of root-knot nematodes is through the use of resistant varieties. Also rotations with grasses and clean fallowing during the off-season will reduce nematode populations. Soil fumigation is an effective means of reducing damaging population levels temporarily (one growing season). Soil solarization has been shown to be effective in reducing nematode populations when environmental conditions are favorable for its use.

–Leaf roll of tomatoes is caused by unfavorable environmental factors. High temperatures, prolonged periods of wet soil conditions, and drought may promote symptom development. Leaf roll is characterized by the upward curling of leaflets on older leaves. At first, leaflets appear to be cupped; this may progress until the margins of the leaflets touch or even overlap each other. Rolled leaves may feel firm and leathery. Symptoms may affect up to 75 percent of the foliage, although plant growth and fruit production are not altered significantly. Symptoms are most common when plants have a heavy fruit set.

Controlling leaf roll is not a major concern since damage is minimal. Setting plants on well-drained soil and irrigating during periods of drought will help prevent the appearance of leaf roll. Leaf roll has been associated with varieties having a specific gene that favors this condition. Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV ) can promote leaf roll symptoms on varieties containing this genetic makeup.

In most catalogs, there is an abbreviation system set up to denote the resistance of a particular tomato.  The abbreviations are:
–V: Verticillium Wilt
–F: Fusarium Wilt
–FF: Fusarium Wilt, Races 1 and 2
–FFF:  Fusarium Wilt, Races 1, 2, and 3
–N: Nematodes
–T: Tobacco Mosaic Virus
–A: Alternaria Stem Canker
–St: Stemphylium Gray Leaf Spot
–TSWV: Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus

Another thing that will help in controlling diseases with your tomatoes and other Solanaceous crops (potatoes, peppers, eggplants, tomatillos, ground cherries, petunias) is to rotate your crops.  It is best to have an area where these crops were grown have a different crop grown there for three years after before planting tomatoes or other Solanum crops there again.

I hope this information helps you out.  If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.


© Mertie Mae Botanics LLC and Horticulture Talk!, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mertie Mae Botanics LLC and Horticulture Talk! with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

All-America Selections Summer Road Trip

(Shared with permission of All-America Selections.)

Save the Date!
June 16-19, 2014
Charlotte & Asheville, NC 

All-America Selections is yet again changing things up and visiting a state that we’ve never toured for an AAS summer meeting. Mark your calendars now for an amazing and educational tour of vibrant North Carolina farms and markets. We’ll begin our tours in the Charlotte area then make our way to beautiful Asheville, North Carolina, seeing many horticulture sights along the way during our 2014 “Summer Road Trip”.

BONUS! The 2014 AAS Summer Summit/Road Trip is being held during the same week as the 2014 Southern Garden Tour. One trip, multiple stops to see many varied flower and plant trials in the southeast.

Registration for the AAS Summer Summit and hotels will open on March 1, 2014.

A few highlights of our immersion into the North Carolina culture:

Monday, June 16
Fly into the Charlotte-Douglas International airport and use our hotel’s complimentary shuttle to get to our host hotel, just minutes from the airport, for that evening’s Opening Night Reception from 6:00-8:00 PM.

Tuesday, June 17
Get an early start so you can check out of our first host hotel and pack your luggage for the trip to Asheville. Then join the group and stock up on your first southern breakfast, after which you will enjoy a short “Welcome to North Carolina” presentation. Once we load our buses, we’ll head to the North Carolina Research Center in Kannapolis for an eye-opening view of how our industry’s products are being reconsidered in a number of new health and nutrition research projects. Next we’ll make the short drive to Huntersville, NC for lunch and a tour of the impressive Metrolina Greenhouses and their AAS Trials. Later that afternoon, we’ll take the scenic drive to Asheville, NC and upon arrival and check-in at our second hotel, enjoy an evening in downtown Asheville, the self-proclaimed Foodtopia and Brewtopia of the United States!

Wednesday, June 18
Today has us again covering a lot of territory when we begin with a visit to the Western North Carolina Farmer’s Market where we’ll enjoy breakfast of famous made from scratch biscuits at local farm-to-table restaurant, The Moose Cafe. Then join us as we explore the foothills of the Blue Ridge and Smokey Mountains and visit several small growing operations, research farms and small business facilities. After lunching on locally grown fare, we’ll make our way to Van Wingerden International, another large growing facility that is also home to several AAS Trials. That evening will be our annual awards and recognition dinner then back to our base hotel in Asheville for a second night.

Thursday, June 19
Our last day in North Carolina will include several options:
1. Stay in Asheville on your own for further exploration
2. Travel to other local trial sites that are part of the Southern Garden Tour
3. Enjoy the bus ride back to Charlotte in order to catch afternoon flights

Full Registration or single day registrations will be available once registration opens.

AAS Judges – this is a great opportunity to meet other judges and share your experiences.
AAS Display Gardens – this is a chance to learn more about the AAS trialing process and the story behind the AAS Winners you feature in your gardens.

Mark your calendars now for a trip to Foodtopia!
June 16-19, 2014

Finding Little Leaf Cucumbers (H-19 Variety)

“For years I have been growing these little leaf cucumberand now I can’t find them. They are great for dill pickels small seeds and crisp and the right size. Do you know a place to get these or something comparable?


(You can see Eugene’s question here.)


Hi Eugene,

Thank you for your question! My guess is that the variety of cucumber you are looking for is H-19 Cucumber, although some catalogs list it generically as Little Leaf Cucumber.

H-19 is a great variety. It is open pollinated and that is where the problem sometimes comes in. Although it is open pollinated, there are certain regular leaf cucumbers that will cross with it and mess the genetics up. The seed from the H-19 is compromised and is not pure enough to be sold by seed companies.

(Image used with permission of David’s Garden Seed)

Don’t fear — H-19 is not gone forever! It just means that the seed company that you normally buy from has a seed producer that had a mixup with crossing or a crop failure. Sometimes other companies will have a different supplier and you can still find it. Otherwise, you can wait until next year. (This is why I always make sure I have enough seed for the next year of ‘must haves’ or have a couple different go-to varieties for crops that I need for winter.)

I’m not sure who you buy your seed from, but here are a list of seed companies that do offer H-19/Little Leaf Cucumbers:


High Mowing

David’s Garden Seed

Jung Seed/RH Shumways

Southern Exposure


Also, if you are a member of Seed Savers Exchange, there are some folks that offer the seed through their member book too.

Hope this helps you out! Happy Gardening!


© Mertie Mae Botanics LLC and Horticulture Talk!, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mertie Mae Botanics LLC and Horticulture Talk! with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Blueberry Recommendations for NE Wisconsin

“what would be the best blueberry to grow for my family to pick and freeze for my area and also that it does not grow to big.  I live in New London, Wisconsin, and we are a Zone 4.


You can see Ann’s question here.)


Hi Ann,

Thanks for your question!

The varieties I recommend for folks in your area are:



–Dwarf Northblue (for garden or container)

–Dwarf Northcountry (for garden or container)






–Top Hat (for garden or container)


One last note: depending on where you look online, many folks say you can’t grow (insert variety) blueberries because they have tough skins when frozen. Contrary to popular belief, tough blueberry skins are not caused by the variety, but by what you do to them prior to freezing. Blueberries *technically* are not supposed to be washed prior to freezing. However, if you are like me, you will be washing them! What I do is wash them and then lay them out on a cookie sheet to allow them to dry before bagging and popping in the freezer.


© Mertie Mae Botanics LLC and Horticulture Talk!, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mertie Mae Botanics LLC and Horticulture Talk! with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Who Owns Who? Devotees of the Great Monsanto

For those that frequently read my blog, I think it comes through very loud and clear where I stand on my perspectives with Monsanto. While I will not fully type out my exact words of what I think, let’s just say that there is no grey for me. With the statements I have publicly made in the past, I will likely find myself dead in a ditch someday or in jail for not stroking the fur of Monsanto’s hairy back just the right way.

Recently I was asked by a online gardening friend where they could go to buy seeds if they wanted to avoid Monsanto. Well, of course, the obvious places would be Baker Creek, Seed Savers Exchange, etc. and so on. “But what companies should I avoid? I don’t want to accidentally support someone that even agrees with their practices.” What,  not want to agree with the folks that think that they own every seed in the world and you are wrong to think otherwise?

Back in 2005, people were shocked when Monsanto purchased Seminis.  At that time, Seminis controled 40% of the U.S. vegetable seed market and 20% of the world market. If you do the math, this means that they supplied approximately 56% of the lettuce, 75% of the tomatoes, and 85% of the peppers that finds it’s way to your supermarket shelf.  If that’s not scary, consider also that about half of the beans, cucumbers, squash, melons, broccoli, cabbage, spinach and peas you buy at the store comes from them too. The company’s biggest revenue source comes from tomato and peppers seeds, followed by cucumbers and beans.

In large part, these numbers reflect usage of Seminis varieties within large industrial production geared towards supermarkets, but Seminis seeds are also widely used by regional conventional and organic farmers as well as market and home gardeners. J.W. Jung, HPS, Vermont Bean Seed, Totally Tomatoes, R.H.Shumway’s, Nichol’s, Rupp, Osborne, Snow, and Stokes are among the dozens of commercial and garden seed catalogs that carry the more than 3,500 varieties that comprise Seminis’ offerings. This includes dozens of All-American Selections and an increasing number of varieties licensed to third parties for certified organic seed production.

Scary, huh?


Gold Country Seed
Hubner Seed
Jung Seed Genetics
Kruger Seeds
Lewis Hybrids
Rea Hybrids
Stone Seed Group
West Bred


(Image used with permission of


Per contractual agreements with these companies, Monsanto may also dictate the location of their product’s within the purchaser’s website and/or catalog.  You can see more about this in my previous article on the subject.)

Audubon Workshop
Breck’s Bulbs
Cook’s Garden
Dege Garden Center
Earl May Seed
E & R Seed Co
Ferry Morse
Flower of the Month Club
Gardens Alive
Germania Seed Co
Garden Trends
J.W. Jung Seed
Lindenberg Seeds
McClure and Zimmerman Quality Bulb Brokers
Mountain Valley Seed
Park Bulbs
Park’s Countryside Garden
Plants of Distinction
R.H. Shumway
Roots and Rhizomes
Seeds for the World
Seymour’s Selected Seeds
Spring Hill Nurseries
T&T Seeds
Tomato Growers Supply
Totally Tomato
Vermont Bean Seed Co.
Wayside Gardens
Willhite Seed Co.
American Seeds
De Ruiter
Diener Seeds
Fielder’s Choice
Heritage Seeds
Western Seeds


If you are thinking now, “where can I buy seed from?”, here is a list of Non-GMO, Monsanto-free seed companies.
Amishland Seeds
Annapolis Valley
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds 
Burpee Seeds
Heritage Seed Company (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Diane’s Flower Seeds
Ed Hume Seeds
Garden City Seeds
Heirlooms Evermore Seeds
Heirloom Seeds
Heirloom Organics
Horizon Herbs
Irish Valley Seeds
Johnny’s Seeds
Landreth Seeds
Lake Valley Seeds
Livingston Seeds
Local Harvest
Mountain Rose Herbs
Organica Seed
Park Seeds
Sand Hill Preservation Center
Seeds of Change (Owned by Mars Inc.) But GMO Free.
Seed Savers Exchange
Southern Exposure
Sustainable Seed Co
Territorial Seeds
Tiny Seeds
Uprising Seeds
Virtual Farm Seed Co
Wildseed Farms

There you go folks! Enjoy!!

(P.S. If you are a seed company representative for a Non-GMO/non-Monsanto company, please feel free to comment below and we will add your company to the list!)


© Mertie Mae Botanics LLC and Horticulture Talk!, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mertie Mae Botanics LLC and Horticulture Talk! with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Who Owns Who? Finding the real owner of your favorite seed catalog.

(Original Post, February 3, 2010. Updated 12/1/13.) Back when I used to work for  a number of different companies, I was often amused by the occasions when I have a customer on the phone and they ‘divulge’ a secret.  Their voice drops and they say, “You know, last year I ordered my seed from [insert name of another company owned by mine] and theirs did not grow as well as yours did.”

Meanwhile, I’m chuckling to myself.  On my screen in front of me, I can see that not only did the seed that they purchased this year come out of the same bag for each company, but was also the same exact lot of seed used last year!

As with any other industry, seed and nursery companies get bought out, outsourced, and restructured.  I know myself from ordering from various companies that their service changes if they have been sold to a different parent company.

So, for those of you that are curious as to ‘who owns who’, here is a list of the various seed and nursery stock companies that are available for mail order in the United States… and who they are owned by!  Enjoy!




5 Acre Farm Daylilies

•             5 Acre Farm Daylilies

•             Valente Gardens

ACF Greenhouses (Aarons Creek Farms)

•             ACF Greenhouses (Aarons Creek Farms)

•             Strawberry

ANi Direct Seeds

•             ANi Direct Seeds

•             nothing-but-seeds

Aaron’s Rain Barrels (formerly New England Design)

•             Aaron’s Rain Barrels (formerly New England Design)

•             Aaron’s Rainwater Harvesting Systems

Aaron Whaley and Sons

•             Partial Ownership of Seed Savers Exchange

Aloha Hoyas

•             Aloha Hoyas

•             Aloha Ti and Tropicals

Aloha Orchid Nursery

•             Aloha Orchid Nursery

•             Plumeria.Info (Da Little Coffee Shack)

Aloha Tropicals

•             Aloha Tropicals

•             Ohana Tropicals

Amazing Butterflies

•             Amazing Butterflies

•             Live Monarch Foundation Butterfly Garden Seeds

Amethyst Hill Nursery (formerly Bell Family Nursery)

•             Amethyst Hill Nursery (formerly Bell Family Nursery)

•             Hydrangeas Plus

Anioleka Seeds Company (Anioleka Seeds US)

•             Anioleka Seeds Company (Anioleka Seeds US)

•             Tasty Tomatoes Heirloom Tomato Seeds Company (

Arcadia Glasshouse

•             Arcadia Glasshouse


Aroidia Research

•             Aroidia Research

•             Rainbow Eucalyptus (Aroidia Research)

•             Superoots® Air-Pots (Aroidia Research)

Ashdown Roses, Ltd.

•             Ashdown Roses, Ltd.

•             Rose Peddler

Australian Orchid Nursery

•             Australian Orchid Nursery

•             Cymbidium Orchids in Australia

Autumn Ridge Nursery (aka

•             Autumn Ridge Nursery (aka

•             Go Grow Green Nursery

•             Summerstone Nursery

Avon Bulbs

•             Avon Bulbs

•             Floral Fireworks

B & T World Seeds

•             B & T World Seeds

•             Sweet Freedom Farm

Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co.

•             Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co.

•             Abundant Acres

•             The Heirloom Gardener Magazine

Ball Publishing/Blackstreet Capital

•             Park Seed Company (aka Park’s Gardens)


•             Jackson & Perkins

•             Park Seed Wholesale Growers

•             Park’s Landscapes

•             Perfect Plant, LLC

•             Wayside Gardens


•             Bambu-u

•             Hardy Tropicals

Benner’s Gardens Inc. Deer Fencing

•             Benner’s Gardens Inc. Deer Fencing

•             Moss Acres


•             Bentley

•             Hosta Liners

Better Homes and Gardens® (Meredith Books)

•             Better Homes and Gardens® (Meredith Books)

•             Better Homes and Gardens Store (

•             Country Home Country Gardens

•             Garden Shed®

•             Garden, Deck and Landscape®

Birds Choice

•             Birds Choice

•             Avian Aquatics

Blue Fox Farm

•             Blue Fox Farm

•             Alannah’s Greenhouses

Bluegrass Gardens Daylily Farm

•             Bluegrass Gardens Daylily Farm

•             Brian Mahieu

Boston Mountain Nurseries

•             Boston Mountain Nurseries

•             Arkansas Berry & Plant Farm

Botanical Interests, Inc.

•             Botanical Interests, Inc.


Bramcote Bulbs

•             Bramcote Bulbs


Brewery Creek Garden Center

•             Brewery Creek Garden Center


Burgess Seed

•             Burgess Seed

•             Direct Gardening

•             Dutch Gardens

•             Farmer Seed and Nursery

•             Four Seasons Nursery

•             Honeycreek Nurseries

•             House of Wesley

•             Inter-State Nurseries

•             Kelly Nurseries

•             Richard Owen Nursery / Exciting Gardens

•             Royal Dutch

Burpee (W. Atlee Burpee)

•             Burpee (W. Atlee Burpee)

•             Heronswood Nursery

•             The Cook’s Garden

C & M Drewitt Rare and Unusual Bulbs

•             C & M Drewitt Rare and Unusual Bulbs

•             Timothy Drewitt Bulb Nurseries

Chris Bowers & Sons Whispering Trees Nurseries

•             Chris Bowers & Sons Whispering Trees Nurseries

•             John Bowers Daylilies

Clean Air Gardening Company

•             Clean Air Gardening Company

•             Easy-Spin Tumbleweed Composter

Commonwealth Plants, LLC (

•             Commonwealth Plants, LLC (


Container Dahlias

•             Container Dahlias

•             Ryecroft Dahlias – USA

Country Home Products (also dba DR Chipper and DR Field and Brush Mower)

•             Country Home Products (also dba DR Chipper and DR Field and Brush Mower)

•             DR Trimmer/Mower

•             Neuton Mowers

Crape Myrtles Inc. (also dba Crape Myrtle Farms and

•             Crape Myrtles Inc. (also dba Crape Myrtle Farms and

•             Mini Crape Myrtles

Crimson Sage Nursery

•             Crimson Sage Nursery

•             Medicinal Herb Plants Nursery


•             Critterfence Deer Grates



Cross Border Daylilies

•             Cross Border Daylilies

•             Distinctly Creative Designs

Crownsville Nursery

•             Crownsville Nursery

•             Bridgewood Gardens


•             Daffies

•             Pedigreed Deerproof Heirloom Flowers

•             Worms for Kitchen Composting

David Austin Roses (UK)

•             David Austin Roses (UK)

•             David Austin Roses (US)

De Groot, Inc.

•             De Groot, Inc.

•             Great Lakes Nursery Co.

Deer Scram

•             Deer Scram

•             Rabbit Scram

Deerbusters (Trident Enterprises)

•             Deerbusters (Trident Enterprises)




Diane’s Flower Seeds

•             Diane’s Flower Seeds

•             Diane’s Daylilies

Dobbies Garden Centres

•             Dobbies Garden Centres

•             Dobbies Garden Centre (formerly Grovelands Online)






Eagle Creek Seed Potatoes

•             Eagle Creek Seed Potatoes

•             Becker’s Seed Potatoes

Easy Exotics Connoisseurs Choice

•             Easy Exotics Connoisseurs Choice

•             Easy Cactus

•             Easy Carnivores

•             Easy Fruit

•             Easy Orchids

Easy to Grow Bulbs

•             Easy to Grow Bulbs

•             Willow Creek Gardens

Ednie Flower Bulb, Inc.

•             Ednie Flower Bulb, Inc.

•             Wooden Shoe Bulb Farm

Elmore Orchids

•             Elmore Orchids

•             Elmore Ferns

Emperor Aquatics Pond & Water Garden Supplies

•             Emperor Aquatics Pond & Water Garden Supplies


Empress Tree Nurseries (aka Paulownia Supply &

•             Empress Tree Nurseries (aka Paulownia Supply &

•             Brighter Blooms Nursery

Essence of the tree

•             Essence of the tree

•             Mountain Maples

Fedco Seeds

•             Fedco Seeds

•             Fedco Bulbs

•             Fedco Trees

•             Moose Tubers

•             Organic Growers Supply (Moser Fruit Tree Sales)

•    (Moser Fruit Tree Sales)

•             Grandpa’s Orchard, LLC

Foster & Gallagher, Inc.

•             Foster & Gallagher, Inc.

•             Spring Garden Canada

•             The Gardenstore

Frangipani Heaven

•             Frangipani Heaven

•             Brad’s Buds and Blooms

Freedom Tree Farms (formerly Hollydale Nursery)

•             Freedom Tree Farms (formerly Hollydale Nursery)


Fruit Lover’s Nursery

•             Fruit Lover’s Nursery

•             Fruit Lover’s Seed Co.

Garden Gazebo

•             Garden Gazebo

•             Amish Soil Company, Inc. (Tewksbury Gardens PooPets)

Garden Store-N-More

•             Garden Store-N-More

•             The Garden Express

Gardener’s Choice

•             Gardener’s Choice

•    (Giant Tomatoes)

•             Spring River Nurseries Inc



•             Gardenocity




Gardens Alive!

•             Gardens Alive!

•             Audubon Workshop

•             Breck’s Bulbs

•             Gurney’s Seed & Nursery

•             Henry Field’s Seed & Nursery

•             Michigan Bulb

•             mySEASONS Garden Solutions

•             New Holland Bulb Co.

•             Spring Hill Nursery (aka

Gautam Global

•             Gautam Global

•             Seeds Vendor (The Seed Collector)


•             Daniel’s Specialty Nursery

Gourmet Seed International

•             Gourmet Seed International

•             Italian Cooks’ Seed Co.

•             Italian Seed and Tool



Growquest Growers (also dba and Surf & Sierra Wholesale Nurseries, LLC)

•             Growquest Growers (also dba and Surf & Sierra Wholesale Nurseries, LLC)

•             ABP Nursery, A Surf & Sierra LLC Co. (formerly A Better Plant Grower)


•             Specialty Perennials

Heavenly Gardens

•             Heavenly Gardens

•             Extreme Daylilies

Hedges Online

•             Hedges Online

•             Roses Online

Heirloom Roses

•             Heirloom Roses

•    (formerly Hardy Roses)

•             John’s Miniature Roses

Heirloom Roses Canada (Old Heirloom Roses)

•             Heirloom Roses Canada (Old Heirloom Roses)

•             Heirloom’s Daylily Website

Heirloom Seeds

•             Heirloom Seeds

•             The Tomato Patch (

Heirloom Tomato Seed Exchange

•             Heirloom Tomato Seed Exchange

•             Tomato Seed City

Heritage Bulbs (part of Heritage Gardening Ltd.)

•             Heritage Bulbs (part of Heritage Gardening Ltd.)

•             Wild About Bulbs

•             Wild About Veg

Hidden Springs Flower Farm

•             Hidden Springs Flower Farm

•             Rice Creek Gardens Inc.

Hollow Creek Tree Farm

•             Hollow Creek Tree Farm


Holly Hill Daylily Farm

•             Holly Hill Daylily Farm

•             Chatham Wholesale Daylily Growers

Home and Garden Sales Online (Midwest Internet Sales)

•             Home and Garden Sales Online (Midwest Internet Sales)

•             Cedar Tree Gardens

•             Rain Barrels and More

House Plants 4 Less

•             House Plants 4 Less

•             Ferns 4 Less

•             Philodendrons 4 Less

Hudler Carolina Tree Farm

•             Hudler Carolina Tree Farm

•             West End Wreaths

Hummert International

•             Hummert International

•             Hummert Seeds (formerly Chesmore Seed Company)

Hydro-Stacker (

•             Hydro-Stacker (

•             Hydro-Stacker Canada Inc.

International Garden Products

•             International Garden Products

•             Briggs Nursery, Inc.

•             Skagit Gardens

•             Vandenberg Bulbs

•             Weeks Wholesale Roses Grower, Inc

International Greenhouse Company (IGC)

•             International Greenhouse Company (IGC)

•    (IGC)

•    (IGC)


•             JFNew

•             Prairie Ridge Nursery

Johnson Daylily Garden

•             Johnson Daylily Garden

•             Johnson Bamboo

Jonsteen Company

•             Jonsteen Company

•    (The Jonsteen Company)

Jung Family/Richard and Nathan Zondag/”Seeds for the World”

•             J.W. Jung Seed (Not to be confused with Jung Seed Genetics, which is a entirely different company that is a Monsanto subsidiary)

•             Edmunds’ Roses

•             eGardener’s Place

•             Horticultural Products and Services (HPS)

•             McClure & Zimmerman Quality Flowerbulb Brokers

•             Plants of Distinction (US fulfillment)

•             R.H. Shumway Seeds

•             Roots and Rhizomes

•             Seymour’s Selected Seeds (out of business for the most part, but still has website)

•             Totally Tomatoes

•             Vermont Bean Seed Company

•             Usernames “auctioneersbd” and “gentz13”, among others, on (look for sellers that ship from Beaver Dam or Randolph, WI)

Jungle Gardens

•             Jungle Gardens

•             Jungle Seeds & Gardens

Katz Kuntry Kuttins

•             Katz Kuntry Kuttins

•             Southern Pine Perennials

Kings Seeds

•             Kings Seeds

•             Suffolk Herbs

Klehm’s Song Sparrow Perennial Farm

•             Klehm’s Song Sparrow Perennial Farm

•             Red Barn Gardens

Krackin Premium Plants

•             Krackin Premium Plants

•             Stoogie Holler Seeds

Kurt Bluemel Inc.

•             Kurt Bluemel Inc.

•             Earthly Pursuits


•             Lawnrite

•             Crabgrass Alert Company

LilyBLOOMS Aquatic Gardens

•             LilyBLOOMS Aquatic Gardens

•             Pond Plants Direct (Ribbon Nursery)

•    (Ribbon Nursery)

•    (Ribbon Nursery)

Lipenwald Inc.

•             Lipenwald Inc.

•             Gardener’s Choice

Lynch Creek Farm

•             Lynch Creek Farm

•             Lynch Creek Dahlias

Mantis Tools

•             Mantis Tools

•             Mantis ComposT-Twin

Marshalls Seeds

•             Marshalls Seeds

•             Unwins at Elm House Nurseries

Martha By Mail (Martha Stewart)

•             Martha By Mail (Martha Stewart)

•             Martha Stewart Living

McFayden Seeds

•             McFayden Seeds

•             McConnell Nurseries

McKenzie Farms Nursery

•             McKenzie Farms Nursery

•             World Wide Plants




Milk Ranch Specialty Potatoes, LLC

•             Milk Ranch Specialty Potatoes, LLC

•             Ronniger Potato Farm LLC


•             MiloSeeds

•             Gourmet Tomato Seed Of The Month Club

•             Seed of the Month Club

•             The Tomato Seed Store

Monty’s Joy Juice (Monty’s Plant Food Co.)

•             Monty’s Joy Juice (Monty’s Plant Food Co.)

•             Monty’s Plant Food

Morton’s Horticultural Porducts, Inc.

•             Morton’s Horticultural Porducts, Inc.

•             Granny’s House

Mr. Fothergills’ Seeds

•             Mr. Fothergills’ Seeds

•             Mr Fothergill’s Seeds and Bulbs

•             Mr. Fothergill’s Seeds, Canada (TWD Lawn & Garden Products)

Muck Boots

•             Muck Boots

•             Garden Shoes Online

NetShops, Inc.

•             NetShops, Inc.



•             Great Benches





•             Simply Fountains



Netherland Bulb Company

•             Netherland Bulb Company

•             Quality Dutch Bulbs Inc.

New England Seed Company

•             New England Seed Company

•             Carolina Seeds

Nitron Industries

•             Nitron Industries

•             Garden

Nola’s Iris Garden (Prevost Ranch and Gardens)

•             Nola’s Iris Garden (Prevost Ranch and Gardens)

•             Chailey Iris Garden

•             Leota’s Iris Garden

Nor’ East Miniature Roses® (division of Greenheart Farms, Inc.)

•             Nor’ East Miniature Roses® (division of Greenheart Farms, Inc.)

•             Tiny Petals Nursery

OVM Seeds

•             OVM Seeds

•             Seed Empire

Oakes Daylilies

•             Oakes Daylilies

•             Paradise Garden


•             Flora Exotica


•             Aaron’s Outdoors

Pacific Callas

•             Pacific Callas

•             Elephant Ears by Pacific Callas

Palms & Gardens

•             Palms & Gardens

•             Banana

•             Tropical

Paradise Palm Co.

•             Paradise Palm Co.

•             Willis Orchard Company

Patio Plants

•             Patio Plants

•             Aquilegia Seed

Peas & Corn

•             Peas & Corn

•    (Haws Watering Cans)



Perfect Perennials Daylily Nursery (

•             Perfect Perennials Daylily Nursery (

•             Thomas Gardens

Philadelphia Houseplant Wholesalers Inc

•             Philadelphia Houseplant Wholesalers Inc

•             Siam Orchids USA Inc

Plant Signs

•             Plant Signs

•             South Coast Palms


•             Koi Garden Club

PlantMakers (

•             PlantMakers (

•             Plants Can Live

Pond Megastore

•             Pond Megastore

•             Treasure Island Aquatics






Primeval Gardens

•             Primeval Gardens

•             Dragonflies & Tadpoles


•             Prize


Pure Food Hydroponics

•             Pure Food Hydroponics

•             Micro Hydroponics

Rainbow Acres

•             Rainbow Acres

•             Fred Kerr’s Iris

Rainbow Iris Farms

•             Rainbow Iris Farms

•             Gormley Greenery

Ratcliffe Orchids Ltd.

•             Ratcliffe Orchids Ltd.

•             Ratcliffe Orchids, LLC

Red Ox Machines (PBM Group)

•             Red Ox Machines (PBM Group)

•             ComposTumbler (PBM Group)

•             Gardener’s Greenhouse (PBM Group)

•             Vortine™ High Performance Mini Tiller

Redland Nursery

•             Redland Nursery

•             Botanical Treasures

Renee’s Garden Seeds

•             Renee’s Garden Seeds

•             Cornucopia Garden Seeds

Rich Farm Garden Supply

•             Rich Farm Garden Supply

•             Agrich, Inc.

Riverbend Gardens

•             Riverbend Gardens

•             Jope’s Bonsai Studio

Roberts Flower Supply

•             Roberts Flower Supply

•             Wetworks Misting Systems

Robrick Nursery

•             Robrick Nursery

•             FloridaSun Farms

Rogers & Webster Miracle-Bush™ Tomatoes (also dba

•             Rogers & Webster Miracle-Bush™ Tomatoes (also dba

•             MBT Nursery Sales (Miracle Bush Tomatoes)

Roguelands Heirloom Vegetable Seeds Company (

•             Roguelands Heirloom Vegetable Seeds Company (

•             Anioleka Seeds Company (Anioleka Seeds US)

•             Cheap

•             Eggplant

Roll ‘n Grow (

•             Roll ‘n Grow (

•             Topsy Turvy (

S & S Seeds

•             S & S Seeds

•             Albright Seed Company

•             Pacific Coast Seed

Safer® Brand

•             Safer® Brand

•             Havahart®

Saflora Plant Nursery

•             Saflora Plant Nursery

•             Clivias from SAflora

Sand Mountain Herbs

•             Sand Mountain Herbs

•             Herb Roots

Seed Savers Exchange

•             Seed Savers Exchange

•             Flower & Herb Exchange (also dba and

•    (also dba and




Seeds Trust

•             Seeds Trust

•             High Altitude Gardens


•             A.W. Brown’s

•             Country Gardens, Inc.

•             Ednie Flower Bulb, Inc.

•             Garden Value Outlet

•             Harbor Garden Center

•             Katonah Nursery

•             Moscarillo’s Garden Shoppe

•             Port Jeff Agway

•             Sixteen Acres Garden Center

•             Tom’s Home and Garden

•             Zergott Landscaping, Inc. (Online Store)

Shady Oaks Ginseng Farm

•             Shady Oaks Ginseng Farm

•             Shady Oaks Blueberry Farm

Solexx Greenhouses (formerly Farm Wholesale Greenhouses)

•             Solexx Greenhouses (formerly Farm Wholesale Greenhouses)

•             The Greenhouse Catalog

Southern Business Express

•             Southern Business Express

•             Borghese Gardens

•             Curious Goods

•             Dutch Faust World Wide Exotic Seed Company (Faust & Associates)

•             GreenDealer Exotic Seeds


•             Hurricane Seeds (

•             Joe Windham Enterprises

•             Organica Seed

•             Rachel’s Tomato Seed Supply (Rachel’s Pepper Seed Supply)

•             Rancid

•             Rex’s Seed Co.


•             Seeds etc.

•             Tea Herb Farm

•             The GreenWeb

•             Virtual Seeds & Flags

•             Wendy’s Wonderful Herbs/Seeds

Spangle Creek Labs

•             Spangle Creek Labs

•             Itasca Ladyslipper Farm

SpiritLiving Co. (Spirit Living Co.)

•             SpiritLiving Co. (Spirit Living Co.)

•   , a SpiritLiving Co. (Bamboo Furniture)

•   , a SpiritLiving Co. (Cedar

•             Spirit Elements, LLC

Spruce Creek Rainsaver

•             Spruce Creek Rainsaver

•             EZ Composter (Spruce Creek Company)


Stanley & Sons Nursery

•             Stanley & Sons Nursery

•             Aesthetic Gardens

Stark Brothers

•             Miller Seeds and Nursery

State-by-State Gardening

•             State-by-State Gardening

•             Alabama GARDENER

•             Arkansas GARDENER

•             Georgia GARDENING

•             Kentucky GARDENER

•             Louisiana GARDENER

•             Mississippi GARDENER

•             Oklahoma GARDENER

•             Tennessee GARDENER

•             Virginia GARDENER

Stone Lantern

•             Stone Lantern

•             Bonsai Today

Superior Growers Supply (SGS)

•             Superior Growers Supply (SGS)

•             Home Harvest Garden Supply (Division of Superior Growers Supply, Inc.)

Suttons Seeds

•             Suttons Seeds

•             Dobies Garden (Samuel Dobie & Son)

•             Ferndale Lodge

Teak Wicker & More (CSN Stores)

•             Teak Wicker & More (CSN Stores)

•             All Greenhouses (div. of CSN Stores, Inc.)

Tennessee Wholesale Nursery (D & T Wholesale Nursery)

•             Tennessee Wholesale Nursery (D & T Wholesale Nursery)

•             Quick Growing Trees (

•             TN Nursery

•             Wetland Supplies

Territorial Seed Company

•             Territorial Seed Company

•             Abundant Life Seeds

The English Garden (UK edition)

•             The English Garden (UK edition)

•             The English Garden (US & Canadian edition)

The Liquid Fence Company

•             The Liquid Fence Company

•             CowPots

The Strawberry Store

•             The Strawberry Store

•             fraises des bois

Thompson and Morgan (UK)

•             Thompson and Morgan (UK)

•             Thompson and Morgan (US)

Thompson and Morgan (US)

•             Thompson and Morgan (US)


Tip Top Bio-Control

•             Tip Top Bio-Control

•             Gardening Zone (

Tom’s Home and Garden

•             Tom’s Home and Garden


•             Holland Bulbs Direct

•             Perennials Direct (Deerproof

Tomato Bob’s Heirloom Tomatoes

•             Tomato Bob’s Heirloom Tomatoes

•             Heirloom Tomatoes

Touch of Nature, Inc.

•             Touch of Nature, Inc.

•             eFlowerGarden

Tree Heaven (aka Tree, Veychek Gardens & Nursery Inc.)

•             Tree Heaven (aka Tree, Veychek Gardens & Nursery Inc.)

•             Daylily Paradise (Veychek Gardens & Nursery Inc.)

•             Maples By Mail

Trinity Ranch

•             Trinity Ranch

•             Magic Worm Ranch

Tuscumbia Iron Works

•             Tuscumbia Iron Works

•             Coble Metal Works (dba Southeastern Architectural Metals)

University Scientific Corporation

•             University Scientific Corporation

•             Sporebank (

•             Sporestore (

Van Bourgondien Dutch Bulbs

•             Van Bourgondien Dutch Bulbs

•             Gardening123 BulbMall

•             Van Dyck’s

Van Engelen, Inc.

•             Van Engelen, Inc.

•             John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds

•             John Scheepers, Inc.

VanDusen Volunteer Seed Collectors’ Seed Store

•             VanDusen Volunteer Seed Collectors’ Seed Store

•             Twining Vine Garden

Vintage Gardens Antique Roses

•             Vintage Gardens Antique Roses

•             Apple Art Espalier

Weed Ox (division of Black River Tools Inc.)

•             Weed Ox (division of Black River Tools Inc.)

•             Father Nature (division of Black River Tools Inc.)

Weekend Gardener (NZ)

•             Weekend Gardener (NZ)

•             Weekend Gardener (AUS)




White Flower Farm

•             White Flower Farm

•             Shepherd’s Garden Seeds

Wild Birds Forever

•             Wild Birds Forever

•             The Backyard Shoppe

Wildflower World

•             Wildflower World

•             GardenPost


•             Willows

•             Willows Specialist Cyclamen Nursery

Winsome Orchids, Inc.

•             Winsome Orchids, Inc.

•             Billy’s Buds Orchids and More

Winterberry Farms Tissue Culture

•             Winterberry Farms Tissue Culture

•             The Plant Source

•             Wild Gingers at The Plant Collector Nursery

ihort (International Horticultural Technologies, LLC)

•             ihort (International Horticultural Technologies, LLC)

•             QuickPlug Growing Systems


•             jmbamboo

•             BigPlants

mySEASONS Garden Solutions

•             mySEASONS Garden Solutions

•             Foster & Gallagher, Inc.

•             Rocky Meadow Orchard & Nursery


© Mertie Mae Botanics LLC and Horticulture Talk!, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mertie Mae Botanics LLC and Horticulture Talk! with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Seed Savers Exchange Just Got a Bit Cooler…

Today I was reading the various posts on my Facebook page, and one from SSE caught my eye:

We are beyond excited to introduce our NEW Online Seed Exchange, the ultimate resource for all you diversity-loving gardeners out there. Since 1975 our members have been sharing thousands of seeds every year in the seed exchange, and this new online resource is the next step for keeping diversity in the hands of many:
We are beyond excited to introduce our NEW Online Seed Exchange, the ultimate resource for all you diversity-loving gardeners out there. Since 1975 our members have been sharing thousands of seeds every year in the seed exchange, and this new online resource is the next step for keeping diversity in the hands of many:
Back in the day and age when I was employed at a seed company, our seed buyer received a copy of the Yearbook. Our company was not part of the membership, and no one there was interested in it… except me.  Between the yearbook and the Seed Inventory book, I could be content for hours.
While this website only allows members to purchase seed, it is fun to look at for non-members too. It is amazing how many different varieties there are out there!


© Mertie Mae Botanics LLC and Horticulture Talk!, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mertie Mae Botanics LLC and Horticulture Talk! with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Content from Seed Savers Exchange from their Facebook page.